Donations for The Lighthouse

Here is where you can help me raise a portion of the funds to install The Lighthouse. USA Projects is a website where tax deductable donations can be made to artists for their projects and 100% of the donation goes to the artist

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Names of Sheep

One of my favorite parts of collecting wool during shearing season is feeling the warmth of the sheep still on the newly shorn wool. When I get back to the studio and empty out a bag, usually a note falls out with the name of the sheep written on the back of an envelope or an order from a feed delivery in the farmer's scrawled or flowery handwriting. Let me share with you some of the names of the sheep whose wool will be gracing The Lighthouse:
Aramata, Taraval, Hillerman, Iago, Erla, Charlie, Henry, Betty, Dosteovsky, Isis, Honeycut, Eliza, Pink, Buttercup.
I have not tallied the number of pounds of wool used so far, but my guess is over 150. My heartfelt thanks to the shearers, the farmers, and the sheep. Farming is a labor of love these days, and so is art.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

news from the studio

We are in the last month of production of The Lighthouse and it is all hands on deck! We have over 100 feet of woven wool, which is only one component of the multi-layered sculpture. There is also felting, silk, over 60 feet of 3-inch thick rope, steel and determination.

The other exciting news is that we have raised almost $4000 in our fundraising efforts. With the help of family, old and now new friends, momentum is building and the goal feels within reach. My most heartfelt thanks for those who have helped by donating, spreading the news, and sending encouragement. 

Sarah Cormier and Gina Shvartsman manage the stairs! We needed to take the wool outside to measure and the freight elevator is on vacation this month. (Sarah is a Canadian theatre artist who has just begun a new phase of research at Double Edge Theatre through the support of the Ontario Arts Council.)

Over 100 feet! Just 20 more to go on this part.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A remarkable Intern

Meet Gina Shvartsman, a UMass student with intelligence and heart to spare. She is a wonderful addition to the studio when she comes to weave and felt and fill me in on what is happening in her Zen class.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Printing with Wool

Sometimes one just needs a break from weaving and felting! This is when I get to print and draw with wool, mimicking the many layers of the sculptures.

Untitled, ink on rag paper, 8x10 inches, 2013